Roger Boghani

ATO Offers Cybersecurity Advice for Self-Managed Super Funds


Where our information is at risk from cyber threats, keeping our personal data safe is really important. A recent cyber attack on Optus, where the personal info of 10,000 customers was exposed, reminds us how crucial it is to take steps to protect ourselves.

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) are helping out by giving advice and tips. They’re sharing useful insights to help people and Self Managed Super Fund (SMSFs) trustees keep their private information safe.

ATO and ACSC Response to Enhance Cybersecurity

The recent cyber attack on Optus showed how the threat of online attacks is always changing. This highlights the need for strong cybersecurity practices. Cybercriminals often target vulnerabilities in computer systems and apps, so it’s crucial for people to actively protect their data.

In light of the Optus incident, the ATO and ACSC have teamed up to give practical advice and resources. They want to help individuals and SMSF trustees strengthen their digital defenses against cyber threats.

Understanding Cyber Threats

People need to know how cybercriminals work if they want to protect their information. The ATO says that hackers often go after devices by exploiting weaknesses in computer systems and apps that we already know about.

Being watchful and paying attention is the first way to protect against online threats. Keeping an eye on what you do online and quickly spotting possible risks helps make the internet a safer place for you.

Implementing Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

The ATO says it’s really important to keep your devices updated. Check for updates often, and turn on automatic updates, especially when your device is charging and connected to Wi-Fi.

This way, your device gets the latest security fixes quickly. The ATO also suggests using Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), which is a strong security measure. MFA makes it harder for someone to get into your accounts by asking for at least two proofs of identity, like a password and a fingerprint.

Backing up your data is a basic but important thing to do. Whether you use external devices or cloud services, making copies of your files ensures you can get back important information if there’s a security problem.

If you want more help and information about the latest cyber threats, you can check out The ATO recommends it as a helpful resource for individuals and SMSFs trustees.

Recent Optus Data Breach

A recent problem at Optus exposed the personal information of 10,000 customers, showing how not having good online security can lead to real issues. This teaches us that individuals and SMSFs trustees need to take action to keep their important data safe.

Multi-factor authentication is a way to make sure it’s really you when you log in somewhere. Instead of just a password, you use two or more ways to confirm who you are.

This could be something like a special code, a random pin, or your fingerprint. Picking the right combination makes it even harder for someone to get in without permission, even if one way to prove your identity is somehow known by someone else.

Data Backup Strategies

Keeping important files safe is like having an extra lock on your door. If something happens to your main device, having copies on an external storage device makes sure you can still get to your important stuff. Using cloud services for storage is another smart way to back up your data securely. If you set it up to back up automatically, it’s even more convenient and gives you peace of mind.

Making your device automatically save copies of your files is much easier than doing it manually. This way, your data gets backed up regularly without you having to worry about it. The ACSC is a helpful group that shares guides and info to teach people and SMSF trustees how to stay safe online by following the best practices and being aware of the latest threats.

Collaborative Efforts with the ATO

The ACSC and ATO are working together to fight against online threats, teaching people how to stay safe and defend against cyber attacks. It’s important to quickly fix known problems with updates.

The ATO suggests checking for updates often and turning on automatic updates for extra security. When your device is charging and connected to Wi-Fi, it’s a good time to do updates. This way, the updates happen smoothly, making your overall security stronger.


To keep your personal and financial info safe online, you need to do a few things. Always update your devices regularly, use extra security steps like multi-factor authentication, and make sure to back up your data.

The Optus issue shows we need to pay attention and take action to protect ourselves online. By following these suggestions, you make it much harder for cybercriminals to cause problems, keeping your digital info more secure.


1. What is multi-factor authentication (MFA)?

Multi-factor authentication adds extra security by requiring at least two ways to prove your identity, making it harder for unauthorised access.

2. Why is data backup important?

Backing up your data means making a copy of important information so you can get it back if something goes wrong, protecting you from losing valuable data.

3. How can individuals stay vigilant against cyber threats?

Keep an eye on what you do online and quickly spot possible problems to stay safe from cyber threats.

4. What is the role of the ACSC in cybersecurity?

The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) helps keep us safe online by giving us helpful guides and information to learn the best ways to stay secure and understand new online dangers.

5. Why is immediate updating of devices recommended by the ATO?

Quickly updating your devices is really important. It helps fix known problems fast, making it less likely for cybercriminals to take advantage of any weaknesses.

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